Monday, August 06, 2007

There is only one thing I like more than
Your male sun-burnt body that smells of Africa and tiger’s skin
Freely holding your hand in the middle of the crowds
Shouting your name loud and clear so everybody can hear it

There is only one thing I like more than
The way you walk the edge, following the velvet of Her skirt
Daring to say and live the truth openly respecting an eagle within
Without abandoning the long-term nest

There is only one thing I like more than
The sound of the sea that safely sleeps within your head
Fighting for love, knowing that love is not a cake that
Can not be cut and shared and baked over and over again

There is only one thing I like more than
The warmth of the centre of your palm that shreds tears of love
Your desire to be naked wherever and whenever you can

That is now hidden underneath all that useless clothes

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