Monday, January 28, 2008

Thelma and Agape

Will and Love - practiced
to invoke her Majesty Kundalini
In the world where adept dies and blooms as a Lotus
The perfection of Union is Silent

The desire for Beauty awakes the Dolphine
that possesses the Soul
keeping it under the Abyss - giving It the Madness of Pan
seaking the totality of all possible 'do'-s
jumping into the river full of streams of thoughts, feelings, action


The steady sound of Harph stills Its mind
freeing it from its grossness and violence
destroying the illusions
of shame and desires,
and loathsome forms of ego-structures
until the Faun appears - accepting Its True Nature

Aiming at Perfection - day after day
Purging all of 'I's - uniting with 'All'
the Will finally becomes the Self
the Faun transforms into the Unicorn
that knows the life of pure joy
and have only thoughts of clarity and splendour

Through Silence - ecstasy transcends expression
The Soul is Freed

a day after a storm




Within the reflection on the retina of your eyes
Within the mirror image of the clouds
just off the coast of Maltese waters
yesterday - a day after the storm
Within my vegetable soup
And the smile of my grocery man
Who knows the truth of it all

photo by:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Fate or Coincidence?

fitting like a glove
and a shoe that was used - 3,000 times
She can so easily touch us,
breaking our vows
into millions of seductions

surrounded by a glow
of grace
that is joy,
and love - by nature divine
mirrored in her eyes are
- our crazy omens, rituals, and spells

She hides in mystical stories
of Armenians,
Persians, Hebrews...
and raises her wand with laughter profane

above the abyss
She carries her game
mistaken for Essence
She pushes us Forth
to the very end of our limits
to the very top of our climb

photo taken from:

Monday, January 14, 2008

High Priestess

The shortest path is from 6 to 1
Connecting 'I' with Godhead

The High Priestess guards its doors
She is Shechinah - the Spirit of the Lord

She is the Moon's reflected light
Heavenly Isis's Spiritual Shine

The Mistress of Hidden Wisdom

Stands between two columns - one black, one white
Bathing in the 'borrowed' light

Keeping our Personality she fills us with God

She gives us

Seekers for everlasting Happiness
The most secret & intimate

Deck created by Anna Franklin

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Magic ball

a tear slide down my throat
it was bitter - tasting it, my heart shivered
I observed it for a moment with love
and it transformed into a magic ball
with an entrance to the city of dreams
with a soul of a crystal

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Truth hidden in a hand-shake

She was touching my hands - hers were cold, shaking
Please tell us if we can help you in any way – please do
Establishing herself within the realm of ‘WE’
I’ve heard so much about you – she said - and she wanted to say more, to share, to cry, confirm
She knew I know
I knew she knows
He knew we both know
We all knew - but we left it un-spoken
I saw her jealousy and insecurity - but she was so very beautiful within it
I wished to hug her - my hands were warm
And I heard her cry to have her man only for herself – and there was no doubt she will have him
Totally, fully, selfishly, until the end of times
Just without his heart – unfortunately for her - he is a very rare bird
Found in the forest of humans every now and then – purely as an exception
Created by some weird malfunctioning of DNAs
He is a monogamous creature – that knows how to love only once
He locked his heart within a golden windowpane
Silenced it, removed it, and protected it by thick walls of forbidden shivers
Within the world of hidden memories that has once known Love

And has decided - not to fight for It

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Crystal clear is my mind
Shining love in my heart
With the strong gratitude

That I am where I am
Sentient in-scent covers my skin
Sound of Aum within my silence

To Divine Light
To Divine Wisdom,

To Divine Flow,
With the strong gratitude

That I am where I am

Monday, January 07, 2008

to the Serpent

So much celebrated
So much cursed

Serpent of Garden of Eden

Life that goes Forth
With the Knowledge of Good and Evil

Life that multiplies and destroys
Everything It touches

Life that is: 64 (32 x 2) Taoist images of all that happens
In heaven and on earth
- 32 Kabala’s symbols of 10 God’s Utterances and 22 paths
that connect them

Life that is: Consciousness
That goes Forth to-wards Divine
Through the Tree of Life and its Sefirots
Through the Yi Jing transformations
Through Shiva and Shakti dance on the floor of Maya

To the trinity of Father / Son / Holly Spirit
To Sat / Chit / Ananda
To Kether / Binah / Chokhmah
To the ascend above the Abyss

That fertilises the Soul
- until It has swallowed its own tale
That flows through Sushuma-to-Sahasrara



Life Force

I follow Your Wisdom

Her Majesty Love

love spiritual poetry, her majesty love, love is the light
The one who has felt Her Radiant Love
Is transformed, blessed, moved...
He has been mesmerised by the glimpse
of Her veil
That is Light Itself
But the veil - nevertheless

Seeing Her is not - living Her - nor knowing Her
And know that - loving is more difficult than dyeing
Cowards are not allowed in
Only a warrior can hope to survive
Her Majesty's Awakened state

Check: What is Love?

Louis Aragon to Elsa his wife

Louis Aragon to Elsa his wife

Tandis que je parlais le langage des vers
Elle s'est doucement tendrement endormie
Comme une maison d'ombre au creux de notre vie
Une lampe baissée au coeur des myrtes verts
Sa joue a retrouvé le printemps du repos
O corps sans poids pose dans un songe de toile
Ciel formé de ses yeux à l'heure des étoiles
Un jeune sang l'habite au couvert de sa peau
La voila qui reprend le versant de ses fables
Dieu sait obéissant à quels lointains signaux
Et c'est toujours le bal la neige les traîneaux
Elle a rejoint la nuit dans ses bras adorables
Je vois sa main bouger Sa bouche Et je me dis
Qu'elle reste pareille aux marches du silence
Qui m'échappe pourtant de toute son enfance
Dans ce pays secret à mes pas interdit

Je te supplie amour au nom de nous ensemble
De ma suppliciante et folle jalousie
Ne t'en va pas trop loin sur la pente choisie
Je suis auprès de toi comme un saule qui tremble
J'ai peur éperdument du sommeil de tes yeux
Je me ronge le coeur de ce coeur que j'écoute
Amour arrête-toi dans ton rêve et ta route
Rends-moi ta conscience et mon mal merveilleux

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Krishnamurti on meditation

'Meditation is not a search, it's not a seeking, a probing, an exploration. It is an explosion and discovery. It's not the taming of the brain to conform nor is it a self-introspective analysis, it is certainly not the training in concentration which includes, chooses and denies. It's something that comes naturally, when all positive and negative assertions and accomplishments have been understood and drop away easily. It is the total emptiness of the brain. It's the emptiness that is essential, not what's in the emptiness, there is seeing only from emptiness, all virtue, not social morality and respectability, springs from it. It's out of this emptiness love comes, otherwise it's not love. Foundation of righteousness is in this emptiness. It's the end and beginning of all things.'

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

holographic universe

In certain circumstances
are able to instantaneously communicate
with each other
regardless of the distance between them

In certain circumstances
are able to read
each other's minds

Could a universe be a gigantic hologram?

If a hologram of a flower is cut in half
and then illuminated by a laser,
each half will still contain its entire image

Universe as a seamless web
where time and space exist simultaneously
and every portion is infinitely interconnected

Me and you that know each other
even though we have never met

Brain as a hologram that
select frequencies out of the matrix that surrond us
mathematically transforming them into

People as receivers
floating through the Maya
from this sea
of their lives