Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Portugal - at the edge of the world

The great shadow of the past
followed our steps
wherever we went

Sculptured flowers
colourful tiles
twisted ropes with serpents heads
renaissance motives and laundry
hanging over the street balconies

Magic of sounds, smells and touches
bring back memories
of black fishermen wives
walking through streets
balancing bulgy baskets
or water
on their heads

Vessels laden with slaves,
gold and ivory
and breeze that smells of salt
call remembrance of
the innocent clay coloured men
that embedded they signatures
onto the faces of the land
that exists
at the edge of the world

Monday, January 29, 2007


wild wonderment into deep memories
to uncover
vague understanding
of unmentionable

the cold, damp night breeze
blew between us
reality outrun apprehensions
to bring
an infinity of your firmness wilfulness
to leave

dead wintry bleakness
mirrored Her Majesty icy heart
in your eyes

un-shored, harbourless
I kept wondering
how did my anchor loose its ground

as the sky grew less gloomy
I gathered some courage
and asked


the universe revolved within me
disguised within a foot-print on sand
rocking life
rolling ships
hiding a tide borrowed from the sea
to a heart-full, merciless God’s laughter

Portugal - a land of magic

A land of alchemy and magic
At the far end of the world
Opens her gate revealing nature's and man's
Sweet and sour impressions

Collecting images directly
From Her Majesties hefty bosoms
She glides through the space intact
Challenging clauses of our hidden pact

Perhaps here, as a Cynthia’s mate
I first time fell into the Cupid’s net
Blindly deceived - my Nature Spirit's Soul
Descended into the Maya's infinite whole

Perhaps here, in the land of plenty
My worlds vanished to receive the Mighty
I lost the innocence of many kept within the few
Hoping I will again discover Her touch, Her breath, Her dew

Monday, January 15, 2007

Gandhi on non violence

Ahimsa means not to injure any creature by thought, word or deed, not even to the supposed advantage of this creature.
Truth is my religion and ahimsa is the only way of its realisation.
I do not envisage God other than truth and non-violence. If you have accepted the doctrine of ahimsa without a full realization of its implications, you are at liberty to repudiate it.

Friday, January 12, 2007

End of violence

I believe, with all my being, that it is possible to end violence.
Suffering can be healed.
It is our choice to have the violence, and
We can chose to live without it.
One by one, our choices became our current reality.

With Intention and Conscious Choice

One by one, we create a new reality.
Reality without violence
Reality of New Earth
Of the Radiant Light of Cosmic Unconditional Love

Thursday, January 04, 2007


as a wild wind crossing the planes
as a water whirlpool playing in the sea
immensely freed of
mightily released from
dogmatically against

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Spiritual cousins of
Cross the plain gently
Leaving me in wonder about
Life and rain

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Lao Tzu - the Mysterious Dragon

Lao Tzu was born around 500B.C.
He was Head Librarian of the imperial archives of King Wu of Zhou.
His wise counsel attracted many followers, but he refused to write down his ideas. He believed that written words might one day become formal dogmas. He also did not lay down any rigid code of behavior.
He believed that humans and everything else in the universe, are constantely influencing each other, so he advised to observe nature laws, develop intuition through meditation, and build personal power to use them to lead life with love. Confucius visited Lao Tzu and recognising his deep understanding of life he named him - the Mysterious Dragon.