Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Truth hidden in a hand-shake

She was touching my hands - hers were cold, shaking
Please tell us if we can help you in any way – please do
Establishing herself within the realm of ‘WE’
I’ve heard so much about you – she said - and she wanted to say more, to share, to cry, confirm
She knew I know
I knew she knows
He knew we both know
We all knew - but we left it un-spoken
I saw her jealousy and insecurity - but she was so very beautiful within it
I wished to hug her - my hands were warm
And I heard her cry to have her man only for herself – and there was no doubt she will have him
Totally, fully, selfishly, until the end of times
Just without his heart – unfortunately for her - he is a very rare bird
Found in the forest of humans every now and then – purely as an exception
Created by some weird malfunctioning of DNAs
He is a monogamous creature – that knows how to love only once
He locked his heart within a golden windowpane
Silenced it, removed it, and protected it by thick walls of forbidden shivers
Within the world of hidden memories that has once known Love

And has decided - not to fight for It

1 comment:

Craftsman of light said...

Where did Nuit get this one from ??
i took a little more the time to read it..the more i read - the more beautiful it became. Now it is a beautiful song in my silence.