Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Spiral wisdom

The Core
That hides in the centre
Of a Spiral

Still hides
Secrets of Beginnings

Known to Shells,
to DNAs,
to Constellations, and to us
if we just Re-connect

Like a battery connecting to electricity
life to sun,
and breathing to air
our Source lies within it

Through our selfishness we lost it
through our truthfulness we’ll gain it

Following the clues
within the spiritual novel of our Souls

When you make something beautiful
a fairy comes to live in it

When you say something beautiful
a wind comes and takes it and circles it
around the Earth three times
until all the birds have heard it

We do not source Power
We invite it in

I invite you - Power

Breaking spells that had their use,
sometime in the past,
and are now creating my-own prisons

Releasing Freedom,

Merging Left and Right

For the benefit of All

Divine Intention

This is a spring of your desire
let Her come out into the light
in Her best dress
of Divine Intention

Magic of change

If you keep your imagination locked-up
you can not change the world
Re-lease it &
a caterpillar will become a butterfly
in a second

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Yin and Yang

Did you know that the DNA of a caterpillar and the DNA of a butterfly are completely different?

In the process of changing from one to the other, the divine of the other dispersed the one, to that extend that no cell was left, no similarity could be traced back for centuries.

Death of an identity dissolves one reality into another and Self becomes what the wildest imaginations have dreamt of.

Self becomes Un-imaginable and Un-breakable, an Un-disturbed Source.

Redeeming our right to divine

This is the astrological story of now, that connects us to our path.

Our ancestors’ tales repeat over and over again and the patterns of their endings come to us to haunt us.

To break them from re-appearing we realize their meaning and their ties, we excavate them – re-discovering, re-opening, re-doing their beginnings, their teachings, re-tracing their trails.

Re-deeming our right to a different story, we enter into the magic of stars and their manifestation on Earth. Venus dances her Universal dance with Jupiter passing through Leo, Mercury is retracing his steps through the house of Scorpio, Uranus and Neptune are waiting for us laughing in secret and conspiring a plot of no return.

Our relatives have lived it, it is written within our books, our parents have known it and we are here just to follow it. Or maybe not...

What if we can break the pattern into pieces? What if we can allow our imagination to take charge? What if we are given Freedom to chose?

What if we become surprising in our language and our action, if we chose not to obey, if we deliberately break the patterns that are established before the beginning of time.

What if we run on the fuel of wonder, turning towards every new day with a surprise. Wonder invites something that is larger than ourselves into our worlds.

A powerful magic comes into our lives in dangerous times to awaken us from our slumber.

A magic of regression, takes into our lives a magic of reflection.

If we head straight ahead there is a big chance that we shall reach where we are heading – a Wise One said – and the fear entered the Minds and we stopped, astonished. We abandoned our dreams and turned away from our intentions scared within the playing field of illusions. The divine looked too far, so we turned back to our earthly selves. A powerful magic is now needed to bring us back into the path of self-fulfilled, and self-realised.

This is the magic of our willingness to connect with our highest potential, the magic of our belief in fairies and their golden dust.

If the water is poisoned it might not bring us death. If the water is poisoned bring it to the light and ask the poison to separate from it and blow away the dust that accumulates on the top drinking the rest. Light will readily help you and eagerly disperse the darkness – just ask for it.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Excavate, Liberate, Create

Open the door of the inner prison and
Liberate the Freedom from its chains

Freedom of expression, thoughts, words
Freedom of dreaming your-own Life
Reclaiming your Magic
Imagining a better World
Inviting a Divine Puropose
Dancing your Highest Self

Freedom to be a snake, a butterfly, a spiral
Experiencing the centre of Life and the very core of Evolution
Changing the pulse of the Universe

Open the door - Freedom is waiting

Thursday, March 16, 2006

YOGA In a pursuit of happiness

Could you imagine a day when you would be able to wake up and consciously decide to be happy? Could you imagine a time when you would be so much in control of your own mind, that no worries, disturbance or misfortune could throw you off balance? Could you imagine how powerful you would be if you are in control of your own thoughts and your own emotions?

In the pursuit of happiness, some 5,000 years ago the first Vedas were written in India - scriptures with rules underlining all yoga systems today.

Reading the five major principles of the system, I cannot but see the strong connection between yoga and all the health systems found in today’s modern world.

The first principle is Proper Relaxation – Hundreds of magazines come up with hundreds of recipes for proper relaxation: relaxation is our natural state – we tense because we get out of this natural state. Walking, bathing, massage, resting are just a few of them, one can come up with, in search for a relaxed body that will lead to a quite mind. We close as we age – physically and emotionally, and as we refuse to change, our body gets stiffer. If you close your eyes and remember yourself when you were younger, you could easily take in the lightness of your being, your chest will open, your breath will become deeper, and love and flexibility will enter your body, together with the enchantment of relaxation.

The second rule is Proper Exercise. You are probably saying, I’ve heard this before, but I promise these are the rules you will find in any yoga book, and they ARE 5,000 years old. Our body is very mechanical and we need to give it a proper treatment. We need to take responsibility for its proper maintenance. We need to lubricate it, fuel it, and run it – not too fast, as not to break the mechanism, nor too slow, so that the mechanism doesn’t start to rust. We need to learn our body’s response to exercise and to apply and to apply the best exercise to its parts – an exercise that will stretch and properly build our mussels muscles, also challenge and shape our bodies in the best possible way. We are all unique and there is no single formula that applies to each and every one of us, we need to listen to our body, learn its secrets, and work with what we have learned. Exercise can work wonders – it can bring you out of a depression and lethargy, it can help you develop the necessary posture, or give you an extra push to enjoy life even more.

The third rule is Proper Breathing. I tried to remember this the last time I was at my dentist, Ivan, and I realised that no matter how conscious I was, I would completely stop breathing every time I was afraid. We do that in every single situation in life – we either breathe faster or slower depending on what’s in front of us. Yoga has developed a whole science of breathing, that is, how one should breathe in different situations. Yogis even claim that with a particular type of breathing they could overcome gravity and start levitating. You don’t need to learn how to levitate, it is enough to be aware that a deep breath will bring you relaxation and that with altering your breath you could alter your state of mind.

The forth rule is Proper Diet. Here we go again – lots of water, lots of veggies, lots of fruit, balanced intake of vitamins, minerals, metals, no pesticides, no conservatives, no poisons, no stimulants, no sugars, etc, etc – I am sure you’ve heard this before…

The fifth and the last principle is Positive Thinking and Meditation. Now, here we get all confused and we start mixing up terms, methods and paths. Positive thinking is OK, but meditation? Yes, meditation! Meditation is not only for the privileged, religious or crazy. It is not only about endlessly repeating mantras, words that only a few really understand, but it is also about paying attention – being fully present – free of the past and the future, about developing concentration and focus, learning how to stop the flow of useless thoughts, walking next to the sea or observing a flower or listening to children’s laughter. It can be applied to all areas of life. Meditation is a tool on a path of inner peace.

And this brings us back to the very beginning, that is, to the pursuit of happiness.

Yoga is a living science encompassing many aspects of physical, mental, emotional and psychological education, so I find it really hard when people tell me – I practice yoga for its physical benefits, and its philosophy does not interest me. Is it possible that there is anybody on Earth who is not interested in the pursuit of happiness? No, surely not!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Loosing your 'I'

Whether you will get lost
in the amazing vastness of the sea or
in the whisper of tree tops deep inside the forest or
in the snow covered mountain heaps or
within the warmth of a body in the morning mist
Just get lost - it is soooo worth it!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


When Life on Earth reminds you

Of a theatre performance
that you have performed a thousand and one time

Of wearing shoes
that belong to someone else

Of living in Africa
surrounded with immense wealth - starving

Of trying to reach and never managing
'cause the goal is invisible

Of circling endlessly day after day
and reaching the same bloody useless spot over and over

Of words that are never said
'cause the moment got lost in an explosion of self-importance

Of a hand that longs for a hand-shake
in a land that ignores hands

Of a life of a battery grown chick
that ate its feet thinking they are food

Of a homeless child's face
that is searching for his family just after Tsunami


To hear the clatter of cutlery just before a lunch
carefully prepared by a grandma
waiting for a reunion of her family

To breath the air that smells of jasmine
in early spring
and disappear in the eyes of a 6 year old
that tells you she is in-love

To touch the fur of a cat
that keeps coming to you
no matter
how long you've been away

To see the balcony
of the 18th century building
you pass by unnoticed
on your way to work

To see the faces
in a crowded bus
reading their stories
one by on

To watch the sea
as it greats the land
in an endless
rubbing of noses

to Self-Remember

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Monday, March 06, 2006

Keep it simple

She said - keep it simple
that is the secret!
Nothing more, nothing less
De-touch from resentments, repulsions, run-downs, revulsions
De-tox from animosities, antagonisms, antipathys, aversions
De-rail from malevolence, malice, maliciousness, malignancy
And be


Mother - where are you?
Mother - who are you?

Wholly feminine
Wholly virginal

Opening potentials
of new beginnings
Hiding the possibility of Form
behind a Thought