Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Time to get spooked
Time to get in to the world of shadows
and smiles that are not ours

Time to discover the deepest secret
Covering the surface of the sea
Time to enter blue - dark, dark blue

Monday, October 30, 2006


I found a treasure
hidden under a mountain
behind woods
at the bottom of a lake
inside a box
that lies within a body of a dead animal
whose key was lost centuries ago
and when I saw it
I remembered it from my dream
that keeps occurring night after night after night
and I knew just of one word to describe it

Thursday, October 26, 2006


How do we materialise Her presence in every breath we take?

Monday, October 23, 2006


When I am close to You I get closer to My-Self

When my worlds engulf me I reach for You
escaping into Your Presence, and Your Light
and I pray for the time when Your Breath will be mine - always
and I would escape from it, occasionaly, just for fun...

Thursday, October 19, 2006


'When we raise ourselves through meditation to what unites us with the spirit, we quicken something within us that is eternal and unlimited by birth and death. Once we have experienced this eternal part in us, we can no longer doubt its existence. Meditation is thus the way to knowing and beholding the eternal, indestructible, essential center of our being.' Rudolf Steiner Shekhar, thanks for this quote http//www.pshekhar.wordpress.com

Monday, October 16, 2006


I have this Urge
To live
As a speck of dust
Within Your pocket
And to dis-appear
Every time you touch me
Getting re-born
Within the softness
Of the middle of Your palm

I have this Urge
To be close to You
To breath
Your breath
Just for another second
Or a minute
Or another lifetime within
The Mayas of different

I have this Urge
To jump into the motion
Of clouds, waves, a cat’s purring
To take you in
Sensing the pause
That exists in between
In and out breath
Diving into Your

I have this Urge
O, please take me in!


A part of Her

Fully Awake
Fully Aware
Entering the Door of No-Time
Desiring Death
While Tasting Life drop by drop
Touching the Centre of its Fullness
Feeling the Core of its Being

Floating without a movement
Rooted within Non-existence
Existing without a breath
Spreading piercing Light from every pore

Experiencing Her
Experiencing Him
Experiencing IT
Experiencing endless One

Sunday, October 15, 2006


"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The latter procedure, however, is disagreeable, and therefore, not popular."-Carl Jung

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


A person is only a person through their relationship to others

Monday, October 09, 2006


Not Love but Overflow of Love
Not Life but Overflow of Life

Not giving when you have
but when you know that you have only £10
in your pocket to the end of the month
Giving half to the one in need

Not loving the one that loves you
but loving the one that annoys you
angers you, provokes you
Loving knowing that there is no return

Not reaching out when you know you had enough
but when you are sure that you are not sure
that you will get to the end of the month yourself
If it takes a pain from someone else

Not doing when you can but when you know
you can not because of 101 things that
plotted against you because
It meant a lot to the one who asked

Not Light but Overflow of Light
Not Love but Overflow of Love

Technorati Profile

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Keep it Simple

And the Enlightened One
Keep it simple!

All you need is to have

Proper, whole, thorough,
integral, complete, and perfect:
  1. View
  2. Thoughts
  3. Speech
  4. Action
  5. Livelihood
  6. Energy
  7. Mindfulness and
  8. Samadhi

Keep it simple!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

To multiply the Light

And she got up and sensed
the womb of her mother
within the voice that whispered
'We are all One'

And she knew instantly
that Unity is the key
to the secret of Time
to the Sparks that were sent forth
to multiply the Light

Divine Potential

Waves of Souls - look at me
Re-incarnated within Golden Rays
Showing me Sacred & Holy Pattern
of Love, Initiation, Light

Restoring itself through the code
of Divine Potential

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Now is Eternal
Born before its birth
'Our movement is always towards Grace'

Inteligence of equilibrium
We speed up Universal growth
Bringing Earth's future into the moment of Now

Seaking Direct, Clear Connection
to the very Source