Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Attempting to understand

Attempting to understand Death
I told a friend how much It touched me
He didn’t even blink

Such an intimate experience!
If it doesn’t touch you – you’ll stay blind

In dying Life is progressively extinguished
Drop-by-drop until the last traces are gone
And it happens all around us, all the time

Life ceases to exist
Honouring limit-ness of His creation

Friday, February 16, 2007


God, Allah, Jahweh,
Brahman, Tao
I am calling you

Unite with Emptiness

The one that already Is
Integrating All

To True Nature
Ultimately Reality
Essence of the Centre

Oooo, Infinite Empty Consciousness
Be my Mind
That always knew & already Is

Did Martians exist

An orbiting spacecraft took a photo
That proves that there is water
On Mars rigid shell

The Red Planet was once Blue!

Flowing down the crater walls
Left me curious with the question:
Who was the one to lead & who the one to follow
In this noble race of Life

A 4.5 billion-year-old Martian meteorite
Was found in Antarctica
Crashed into Earth 13,000 years ago
Carrying within fossil nano-being
That breathed life

Seeded from Mars our waters flourished
Bringing forth the evolutions chain
From the beginning to its very end
As we know it today

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Monday, February 05, 2007


Incapable of stopping
A dream within many realities
Reality of a dream
Her name is Love

Friday, February 02, 2007