Thursday, July 13, 2006

In London

In London
I saw a man covered with pigeons
Covered with their shiet
Feeding them

He was desperate for contact
- even pigeon shiet felt better
than Loneliness

In London
I saw a girl sitting on the steps
of the 18th century house
Her hair was red
and her skin white - whiter
than the whitest cheese

She was alone reading
and she was beautiful in her Loneliness

In London
I saw a man dinning
in a corner restaurant
He was also alone
but because his hair was blue - light blue
he attracted a lot of attention

People looked and
his Loneliness was broken by their stares

In London
I saw people dressed in the most colourful clothes
with the most expressive faces
and the purest aura one could imagine

And they smiled
once I managed to touch their souls
with eyes that spread Love
for their Uniqueness and their Light


Knight Of The Storms said...

F... London
Our Island craves for you,
the sunset was great today, I was ridding out with sandy and I thought of you

Nuit Natasa Pantovic said...

Back soon my love :) back soon...

Unknown said...

the cities and people are mixed up like a social sculpture. if you want to expand your imaginery... take a look to the work of joseph beuys, a classic over the hazard interaction.

Nuit Natasa Pantovic said...

and he said "To make people free is the aim of art, therefore art for me is the science of freedom." -Joseph Beuys. Thanks :)...