Friday, October 12, 2007

11,000 year old wall painting found

Have you heard?:

French archaeologists have discovered an 11,000-year-old wall painting underground in northern Syria. Rectangles dominate the ancient painting, which formed part of an adobe circular wall of a large house with a wooden roof.

"This site is one of several Neolithic villages in modern day Syria and southern Turkey. They seem to have communicated with each other and had peaceful exchanges," Coqueugniot said.

Mustafa Ali, a leading Syrian artist, said similar geometric design to that in the Djade al-Mughara painting found its way into art throughout the Levant and Persia, and can even be seen in carpets and kilims (rugs).

We have been creating art for at least 11,000 years and we still believe that our era is the 'special' one...

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