Thursday, November 29, 2007

For the seagull

Hundreds of birds flew away to make a space for a seagull – he returned from a country behind beyond, the golden guardian of birds that know no limits of time and speed and space.

He flew back from a journey you have heard of from your grand-grand-grand fathers – they narrated it as a fairytale – scared of a possibility of truthfulness of its reality – an impossible, tough and mysterious journey only reproached by a few who have the courage to enter the sacred door.

And he said: Jonathan, please re-create me again, let me go behind beyond every time a soul dares to imitate God and break the mortal edge of restrictions, boundaries, pre-programmed codes, prejudices and written and un-written laws of behaviour, of acting, of being. Let me bind my limbs with blind-fold of love, let me burn my skin disappearing in the light of inspiration, let me go through walls chanting mantras of compassion, let me laugh screaming-off the last remains of the air on earth, let me walk surrounded by the shine of the shiniest beings that have ever lived on this plane.
Re-create me Jonathan, I know you can!


Craftsman of light said...

Its so beautiful;

I don't know what really inspired you....but there is something you probably ignored -- a Nun in the convent school i used to go, called me 'jONATHAN ' For all the others i was the just the little demon.

I prefer 'Jonathan ' to ' the Alchemist ' found the same written by Plato so many years ago!
Many years later i came upon the sound track of 'JONATHON ' by Neil Diamond -- really great text and music !!

Craftsman of light said...

Sent you an e- mail yesterday -- had difficulty to pass thru -- did you get it

Anonymous said...

no, i didn't...