Sunday, December 23, 2007

I burn with love
and yet I will not say it
- not yet - not yet -
I burn with love
and yet stay still
- your breath
- your heart beat
- your moves
so that I can better know
the Being hidden behind the words
I burn with love
attentive - curious - to
where this game is taking me
dancing with the ruler - Shakti, Shiva, Krishna?
Love that is indefinite, flowing, abstract
is mine and your rule - of that I have no doubt
and is there for many...
but love
that is passionate, focused, demanding
that fulfills and shakes the mountains
is there for few
That love - I'll give you
when I know that your game is pure
Celebrating your uniqueness
respecting your might
I'll give myself to you
through starry nights
through waves
through stones
this strong - this hot - this wet
find me within yourself

1 comment:

Craftsman of light said...

"Through waves and stones; hot; wet; and strong;
No thermometre to check the temperature....but your words are sufficiently strong...i can feel all your volcanoes.