Monday, March 24, 2008

My Heart is Full of Love

Love Tantra Poetry, my heart is full of love, you are love, artof4elements

My Heart is Full of Love

Love that is soft and expands beyond the boundariesof selfishness and different
games Love that is somehow Whole and Spiral in its risingLove that is Divine That Knows the wishes of the beloved - before they are alteredThat changes frogs into princes and beasts into wise men Love that Knows how to act Perfecting Self-consciously and sub-consciously Love that delightfully plays with Lifeand is full of wonder
that awaits moments of ConnectionTaking them into the Now - that lives always

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Craftsman of light said...
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Craftsman of light said...

Everyday it comes to greet me.In silence.
I read your wise words;
they gather me;
they blend me to the substances of your spirt.

i leave a comment only to let you know that i've been here.Hugging you and kissing you in my own way.

There are no more foggy days in my herat;
each day a ship comes into the harbours of my psyche, with cargos of light, by tons!!
You send them to me without even realising...
My 108 chakras are spinning.
Fortunately, the himalayan ice freezes Shiva's balls.